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Korea SAMSUNG Repair And Sell

ata Speccification according to production Model

1. Environment for Using Equipment: Use it under indoor temperature standard of less than 30℃
2. Environment of Using Cooling Water (Recommendation): IN line (less than 25℃, OUT line (less than 32℃)
3. SCP-2000 (identical with pfc-1100LT) reduces the costs of electricity as well as of maintenance (the capacity of chiller) by half comparing to the other existing equipments made by different manufacturers. So then it saves annual maintenance costs per unit system at about 3 Million Won. (For the use of replacement with the existing equipments)
4. SCP-3000 represents a mixed type of heat having applied Polycold (pfc-1100LT, HC) thereto.

The Speccification of the Product that represnts Samsung Freezer


五华县| 永定县| 阜城县| 偃师市| 梁山县| 安丘市| 博白县| 成都市| 松阳县| 红河县| 四子王旗| 平谷区| 辉县市| 青川县| 六枝特区| 天全县| 德保县| 垦利县| 容城县| 文昌市| 孝义市| 湖南省| 深州市| 昌邑市| 米易县| 城口县| 揭西县| 祁阳县| 湛江市| 漯河市| 大庆市| 工布江达县| 赤水市| 桦甸市| 祁东县| 定结县| 沙河市| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 蓬莱市| 道真| 博兴县|