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Vacuum smelting equipment

An advantage of the current principles of the new generation of high-temperature metal smelting way. Also used high-frequency induction heating. The maximum temperature up to about 3000 ℃. Eddy current induction heating principle is used to vacuum smelting alloy steel smelting furnace, furnace coil, the coil leads to repeated changes in current, eddy current metal in the furnace. The eddy current heat to melt the metal. The advantage of using the entire metal smelting vortex energy in a vacuum, thus preventing the impurities in the air into the metal, an alloy of high quality can be smelt. Vacuum furnace vacuum furnace smelting furnace generally, electric devices, sealed furnace shell, vacuum systems, power supply systems and temperature control systems and other components. Sealing the furnace shell with welded carbon steel or stainless steel, sealed joints moving parts with a vacuum seal. After the furnace shell to prevent thermal deformation and metamorphism heat sealing materials, furnace shell with a water-cooled or air-cooled cooling in general. Hearth furnace shell the seal.

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